Politiche della memoria, vittime e diritti umani. Alcune riflessioni sulla legge Justicia y Paz e la Comisión Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación in Colombia (2005-2011)

AutoreFrancesca Casafina
CaricaDottore di Ricerca in Storia dell'America Latina, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
ISSN: 2612-6672
2 • 2 • 2020
F. Casafina
Politiche della memoria e diritti umani. Alcune
riflessioni sulla legge Justicia y Paz e la
Comisión Nacional de Reparación y
Reconciliación in Colombia (2005-2011)
Politiche della memoria, vittime e diritti umani.
Alcune riflessioni sulla legge Justicia y Paz e
la Comisión Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación
in Colombia (2005-2011)
Francesca Casafina
Since the 1980s, many Latin American countries have experienced processes of political
transition, with differences depending on the respective national contexts. Some of these
countries emerged from a situation of armed conflict (Guatemala and Peru); while others
experienced a transition from dictatorship to democracy (Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and
Chile). In the early twenty-first century the Colombian government led by Álvaro Uribe Vélez
started a very unique process of transition when the armed conflict was still ongoing. Two of the
most important measures have been the demobilization of the paramilitaries groups and the
Colombia’s J ustice and Peace Law, intended to provide truth, reparations a nd justice for the
victims, while a newly created National Reparations and Reconciliation Commission (Comisión
Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación) has been in charge in guaranteeing the real
application of these measures. Justice and Peace Law was widely criticized in particular
regarding human rights. The objective of this essay is not to provide answers, but rather to bring
up some reflections on the experience of Justice and P eace Law and the CNRR with a focus on
historical memory, truth and justice.
Keywords: Truth Commissions Human Rights Colombia Memory Justice.
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. 2. Memoria, verità e giustizia nelle transizioni
latinoamericane. 3. Colombia: la legge Justicia y Paz. 4. La Comisión Nacional de
Reparación y Reconciliación e il Grupo de Memoria Histórica. 5. Conclusioni.
Dottore di Ric erca in Stori a dell’America Latina, Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Il testo è stato
sottoposto a doppio referaggio cieco.

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