Priorities for Backlog of Criminal Cases Pending in Courts: A Computational Agent-based Model

AutoreLuigi Bonaventura, Andrea Consoli
Priorities for Backlog of Criminal Cases
Pending in Courts: A Computational Agent-based Model
SUMM ARY:1. Introduction – 2. An Analysis of the Justice System in Literature – 3.
The Model Set-up – 4. The Simulation of the Model – 4.1. With a Low-productivity
Function – 4.2. With a High-productivity Function – 5. Conclusions
The practice of establishing criteria of priority for reducing the backlog
of trial procedures has been widespread for some time, although not always
made clear. In both investigating and judging departments, the limited re-
sources available have made organizational decisions necessary in order to
answer the need to improve the justice system.
With reference to the Public Prosecutor’s off‌ice, this subject has often
led in Italy to animated discussions on the consistency of such criteria with
the principle of compulsoriness of penal action, since the decision regarding
which cases to bring before the court, whether made by those responsible
for the off‌ices or by the single Public Prosecutor, represents in any case a
concession to discretionary power. Moving from the nineties, in any case,
public and previous priorities stand out in investigation and prosecution, as
in the US experience of guidelines: at f‌irst, with local ventures of chief pros-
ecutors; later, with court sentences (see Disciplinary decision No. 105/97
of Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura - the Italian Council of Judiciary).
In spite of mandatory prosecution the budget constraint of investigation has
necessarily led to the use of guidelines connected to the seriousness of the
crime and concrete injury resulting from behaviour.
Possibly less at the centre of the Italian political debate, but equally im-
portant for its consequences, is the def‌inition of criteria of priority operated
by the judging off‌ices. Increasing the immediacy of a judicial reaction to
crime constitutes an important instrument, adding to the deterrent effect
and the social value of repression. A series of guidelines exists in these of-
f‌ices (since it is communicated to the Ministry of Justice) containing the
criteria of assignment among the different sections according to the topic
L. Bonaventura is assistant professor and A. Consoli is post-doc researcher at the Uni-
versity of Catania (Italy), Department of Economics and business.
“Informatica e diritto”, Vol. XXII, 2013, n. 1, pp. 155-167
XXXIX annata – Seconda Serie - Fasc. monografico S. Faro, N. Lettieri (a cura di), "Law and Computational Social Science", ESI, Napoli, 2013, 352 p.

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