Hero-systems, Military Dictatorship and the Silencing of Academic Community in Suriname

AutoreNatascha Adama
CaricaVisiting Professor in Political Science at the Foundation of Interdisciplinary Research on the Dutch Caribbean, Duke University
ISSN: 2612-6672
3 • 2 • 2021
N. Adama
Hero-systems, Military Dictatorship and
the Silencing of Academic Community
in Suriname
Hero-systems, military dictatorship, and the silencing of
the academic community in Suriname
Natascha Adama*
This paper is concerned with academic silencing in Suriname and its links with the conflict
that took place at the national level, which was given scant consideration in research.
Emphasis will be given to the establishment of the hero-system in order to ensure peace
and the connections between academic silencing, dictatorship and law and order.
Keywords: Academic Freedom Silencing Hero-System Revolution Suriname
Military Dictatorship Dutch Canon Dutch Black Lives Matter.
CONTENTS: 1. Introduction and Key Definitions. 2. Theoretical Framework. 3.
Academic Freedom and Academic Silencing. 4. The Case of Suriname. 4.1
Academic Freedom in Suriname before 1980. 4.2 The Revolution and Iconization.
4.3 Academic Freedom after 1980. 4.4 Anton de Kom and Palimpsest. 4.5 Anton
de Kom, the Symbol of Dutch Black Power. 5. Conclusions.
*Visiting Professor in Political Science at the Foundation of Interdisciplinary Research on the Dutch
Caribbean, Duke University. This paper is dedicated to Dr. Gerard Leckie, Dean of t he Faculty of
Social Sciences, who was exe cuted by the military on 8 December 1982 in an attempt to silence
him. The essay was peer-review by the Editorial Board. Member of the Editorial Team who oversaw
the essay: Laura Alessandra Nocera. English editing: Pietro Manzella.

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