Exploring the Effects of Sanctions on Damaging Actions through Artificial Societies: A Simulation Model

AutoreNicola Lettieri, Domenico Parisi
Exploring the Effects of Sanctions on Damaging Actions
through Artif‌icial Societies: A Simulation Model
SUMM ARY:1. Introduction – 2. The Target Phenomenon: Other-damaging Behaviours
– 3. Three Mechanisms for Containing Other-damaging Behaviours – 4. A Simple
Simulation Model of the State-level Mechanism for Containing Other-damaging Be-
haviours – 4.1. Simulation 1: Effects of Punishment – 4.2. Simulation 2: Subcommu-
nities – 5. Summary and discussion
After the invention of electronic computers, the role played by compu-
tational techniques in social sciences (here def‌ined in a broad sense as the
complex of disciplines investigating human and social dynamics at all lev-
els of analysis, from individual cognition to international organizations) has
become more and more important. From the second half of the 20th cen-
tury, social scientists have progressively learned to exploit advanced instru-
ments of computation to gain a deeper understanding of the social world.
The emerging methodological paradigm of computational social science1,
a “f‌ledging interdisciplinary f‌ield at the intersection of the social sciences,
computational science, and complexity science”2, is gradually changing the
way in which social phenomena are investigated and managed. The set
of computational social science methods is wide and encompasses differ-
ents techniques: automated information extraction; social network analysis;
N. Lettieri, researcher at ISFOL, Rome, is adjunct professorof Legal informatics at the
University of Sannio, Benevento (Italy) and of Computationalsocial sciences at the Depar t-
ment of Computer science of the University of Salerno (Italy); D. Parisi is former director
of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council of Italy
(ISTC-CNR), Rome and associate researcher at the same Institute. The Authors would like
to thank Antonio Cervo, Rosario De Chiara and Federico Cecconi for their support in the
design of the NetLogo simulations.
1D. LAZE R et al.,Computational Social Science, in “Science”, Vol. 323, 2009, n. 5915, pp.
2C. CIOF FI-RE VILL A,Computational Social Science, in “Wiley Interdisciplinary Re-
views: Computational Statistics”, Vol. 2, 2010, n. 3, pp. 259-271; see also ID., Scienza so-
ciale computazionale e scienza giuridica, in Faro S., Lettieri N., Tartaglia Polcini A. (a cura
di), “Diritto e tecnologie: verso le scienze sociali computazionali. Attualità e orizzonti
dell’Informatica giuridica”, Napoli, ESI, pp. 205-227.
“Informatica e diritto”, Vol. XXII, 2013, n. 1, pp. 131-154
XXXIX annata – Seconda Serie - Fasc. monografico S. Faro, N. Lettieri (a cura di), "Law and Computational Social Science", ESI, Napoli, 2013, 352 p.

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