Kirk Hartley (LexBlog Italy)
12 results for Kirk Hartley (LexBlog Italy)
Plaintiff Web Site Jumps on Italian Paper On Finding Previously Unknown Asbestos Exposures
Knowledge moves fast these days. A January 20, 2016 medical article from Italy – in Italian – reports on results obtained from researchers going back to look for previously not seen sources of asbestos exposure in the lives of persons who developed mesothelioma. A February 4, 2016 article on Surviving Mesothelioma provides a summary. The...
Peritoneal Mesotheliomas in the News, Again
Peritoneal mesotheliomas remain a focus of the “new and improved” web sites related to law firms that act for plaintiffs in asbestos litigation. For example, a September 12, 2015 blog post at survivingmesothelioma highlighted the September 9, 2015 publication of the article described below. Peritoneal mesothelioma in Italy: Trends and geography of mortality and incidence....
New Asbestos Data from Italy
A newly published study provides new asbestos data from Italy as to apparent sources of mesotheliomas. Note especially the data regarding apparent non-occupational sources of disease. “Abstract Introduction Italy produced and imported a large amount of raw asbestos, up to the ban in 1992, with a peak in the period between 1976 and 1980 at...
“Mesothelioma in a Wine Cellar Man” – from Italy
A depressing article, for multiple reasons. The title is: Mesothelioma in a Wine Cellar Man: Detailed Description of Working Procedures and Past Asbestos Exposure Estimation. Ann Occup Hyg (2014) doi: 10.1093/annhyg/meu062 First published online: October 8, 2014 The abstract states: “Abstract A pleural mesothelioma arose in an employee of a wine farm whose work history shows...
Eternit Verdict Due on Monday in Italy Regarding Thousands of Deaths and Injuries of Plant Workers
The Eternit-caused asbestos deaths are to result in a verdict on Monday in Italy. Numerous prior prior posts explain the background – search Eternit. Here is a news video which includes pictures of former Eternit factory operations. Set out below are excerpts from a related news article – the full article is online here. Video...
Eternit’s Asbestos-Cement History Back in the News as Italian Prosecutors Seek 20 Year Criminal Sentences Related to Asbestos Exposures at Manufacturing Plants
Eternit and asbestos are in the news again in Italy as the Eternit trials move forward. Set out below is the full text of this article which picks up from Italian press stories. Note that Italy allows the joinder of criminal and civil claims into one proceeding, a practice exactly opposite of the practice in the...
Eternit Asbestos Cement Manufacturing Plants – Ongoing Criminal Law Scrutiny in Italy and Pakistan Regarding Conditions
If you think Toyota is having a bad year, think about Eternit entities and its executives (not all are Eternit entities are presently related). The long arm of criminal law continues to reach out and touch Eternit entities. In Italy, trial goes forward in a week on thousands of criminal charges arising from deaths and...
Comments on Investment Bankers Facing Criminal Trial In Italy for Allegedly Fraudulent Sales of Derivative Contracts to Italian Municipalities
From the WSJ, word of an upcoming criminal fraud trial in Italy against investment bankers selling derivatives to municipalities. Some points to consider. The Italian system allows one trial to include both criminal charges and civil claims. And, Italian law is explicit that criminal sanctions may be lessened if restitution is paid to victims. Also, the trials often proceed in phases and...
Trial Proceeding Ahead, Slowly, for Former Eternit Officials
Please look to the left under the heading “Eternit” for prior articles on the combined civil and criminal trial in Italy involving former executives of Eternit. The charges – more or less – are reckless endangerment of employees via unsafe conditions in facilities manufacturing asbestos-containing products. The coverage this month has been light as only one hearing...
Eternit Trial Has Opened in Italy – Civil and Criminal Charges Related to Asbestos-Cement Manufacturing
Trial is now underway in Italy on combined civil and criminal charges regarding senior corporate officials of Eternit allegedly having recklessly disregarded health risks related to asbestos. The charges and claims involve injuries or premature deaths suffered by about 2.200 employees or former employees. Eternit entities manufactured a range of asbestos-cement products.A BBC article is...
Eternit Asbestos Defendants Set for Criminal Trial in Italy in December 2009
News articles here (best one), here and here are out with news from Italy that the criminal and civil trial for the Eternit asbestos defendants is to start December 10, 2009. The date was set after the trial court denied objections by the defendants, including objections to the location of the trial. The trial will...
Italian Class Action Legislation Delayed
Business Insurance Europe is reporting 6 months of delay in implementing legislation for class actions in Italy. The delay moves the effective date from July 1, 2008 to January 1, 2009. The article presents the delays as needed to accommodate changes needed to satisfy concerns on all sides of the issues, but provides very few,...