JD Supra Italy

JD Supra
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  • Buying and Selling Real Estate in Italy (Updated)

    KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ITALIAN LAW - I. INTRODUCTION - This brief guide has the goal to provide legal explanation on the main aspects of the real estate transactions in Italy. II. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ACCORDING TO ITALIAN LAW - Land - There are different types of land that can be purchased, such as agricultural or building lands. Although these are always and, in any case, real estate sales, rules and taxation may vary according to the classification of the land.

  • Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Proceedings in Italy (Updated)

    KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER ITALIAN LAW - 1. Presentation of the judicial liquidation/ insolvency/ rehabilitation proceedings in Italy and their main characteristics. The current legislation for judicial liquidation, insolvency and restructuring proceedings has recently been reformed on February 14, 2019. On this date the New Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency has been published in the Official Gazette (Legislative Decree 12 January 2019 No. 14), replacing the Royal Decree n° 267/1942.

  • Italy Approves New Legislation to Support Listings on Euronext Milan

    The legislation aims to enhance the competitiveness of the Italian capital markets by introducing various reforms regarding the listing process and corporate governance. Listings on Euronext Milan are supported by Bill n. 674 approved on February 27, 2024, by the Italian Parliament. The various measures within the new legislation aim to support the process of listing on Euronext Milan.

  • Establishing a Business Entity in Italy (Updated)

    1. Types of Business Entities - Italian law provides multiple forms of organizational structures to do business in Italy. They differ from one another due to the extent of liability undertaken by its members. In particular, certain business organizational forms do not limit the liability of its members (among which the “società semplice” and the “società in nome collettivo” that operate similar to a partnership) or which provide for limitations to the personal liability only for certain classes of stakeholders (i.e. the “società in accomandita semplice” and “società in accomandita per azioni”), as opposed to others which limit their personal liability (such as the Società a responsabilità limitata” – similar to the Limited Liability Company or the “Società per azioni” similar to the Joint Stock Company).

  • Buying and Selling Real Estate in Italy (Updated)

    KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ITALIAN LAW - I. INTRODUCTION - This brief guide has the goal to provide legal explanation on the main aspects of the real estate transactions in Italy. II. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ACCORDING TO ITALIAN LAW - Land - There are different types of land that can be purchased, such as agricultural or building lands. Although these are always and, in any case, real estate sales, rules and taxation may vary according to the classification of the land.

  • Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Proceedings in Italy (Updated)

    KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER ITALIAN LAW - 1. Presentation of the judicial liquidation/ insolvency/ rehabilitation proceedings in Italy and their main characteristics. The current legislation for judicial liquidation, insolvency and restructuring proceedings has recently been reformed on February 14, 2019. On this date the New Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency has been published in the Official Gazette (Legislative Decree 12 January 2019 No. 14), replacing the Royal Decree n° 267/1942.

  • Financial regulatory news – Italy

    The second issue of our newsletter focuses on some recent developments that have affected different areas of the EU and Italian regulatory framework over the last few months. Please see Publication below for more information.

  • The new Italian Public Procurement Code: a (missed) revolution?

    On 1 April 2023, Legislative Decree 31 March 2023, No. 36 entered into force in Italy as the new Public Procurement Code (the Code) which will apply to new public tenders from 1 July 2023 onwards. Please see Publication below for more information.

  • Class Action in Europe: impact on the Italian Consumer Code

    The decree implementing the EU Directive 2020/1828 was published in the Italian Official Journal, thereby introducing representative actions, a new instrument for the protection of the collective interests of consumers against breaches of European provisions. Please see Publication below for more information.

  • Establishing A Business Entity In Italy (Updated)

    1. Types of Business Entities - 1.1 Premises - The Italian law provides multiple forms of organizational structures in order to do business in Italy, which differ from one another due to the extent of the liability undertaken by their participants. In particular, certain business organizational forms allow the participants to limit their personal liability (such as the “società per azioni” – a type of company similar to the Joint Stock Company – or the “società a responsabilità limitata” – similar to the Limited Liability Company), as opposed to others which do not limit the liability of the participants (among which the “società semplice” and the “società in nome collettivo,” operating similarly to a partnership) or which provide for limitations to the personal liability only for certain classes of stakeholders (i.e. the “società in accomandita semplice” and “società in accomandita per azioni”). Please see full Chapter below for more information.

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